Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category



2007, April 21

Wow, my blog…. Where have I been? I think I’m going to stick on usual and cliche excuse. I am just too busy.

Sure, I’m going to write more soon!



2007, January 19

Something in my right eye……. what the hell is this?

(to be continued)


bridging the culture gap

2006, December 9

Part One 

Me: (listening to Fahmi Sahab’s Kopi Dangdut in loud volume)

Bibib: “What music are you listening to? Hindi song?”

Me: “No. This is what we call dangdut music. It is from my country.”

Bibib: “What? Ding Do? It is like an Indian music though.”

Me: “It’s dangdut. Daaa…ng duu…ttt..”

Bibib: “Dong do? Dong lo? Dand do?”

Me: “Dangdut! Dangdut Dangduuutt!!” (mulai senewen)

Bibib: “Daanngg duuutt…”

Me: “Yes! Finally…”

Bibib: “Ok. So why are you listening to this ding dong Indian music?”

Me: ….nevermind >_<

Part Two

Me: “Bib, say; conjugation.”

Bibib: “con-ju-ga-ti-on”

Me: “Say; congestion. ”

Bibib: “co-ngest-ion”

Me: “Say; erectile dysfunction.” (Giggles)

Bibib: “e-rectile dys-funct-ion”

Me: “Say; judgemental.”

Bibib: “judge-ment-al. Say; khamis.”

Me: “kha-mis. Say; congratulation.”

Bibib: “Kang-gaa-roo-loo-tah-tion”

Me: “No. Cong-ra-tu-la-tion.”

Bibib: “Kang-gaa-roo-loo-tah-tion. Kang-roo-loo-tah-tion. Kang-groo-loo-tah-tion. Kang-graah-too-laa-tion. Hambersfurst (watch: Pink Panther movie).”

Me: “Cong-ra-tu-la-tion.”

Bibib: “Kang-groah-loo-too-tion. I can’t say it.” 😦

Me: “Yeah, I know.”