Archive for November, 2006



2006, November 23

I got a long distance phonecall from my mum. As usual, obviously, we were gossiping about simple matters, like Bush was targeted as a ‘supernatural forces victim’ by a known paranormal Ki Gendheng Pamungkas. Mum thought that if he did not succeed doing Bush, his name would have been trivialised by the public, because he already made it in public on TV -I didn’t know ‘cuz I don’t have access to Indonesian TV channel- and he also showed the way how he’s going to do it. I wanted to know how the result was (if it’s already done), what’s the change on Bush and so forth. I think that the notion of having  an International visitor like Bush is really really rare and you know how popular he is, in all manners, per se. So, for the people who hate him, why don’t they use this quirky opportunity to bash him unsightly? Of course, they can’t be seen and they should have been using other powerful sources to proceed the punishment. Wouldn’t it be fun? I mean, c’mon, Indonesia is known for their hot blooded people to the literally man eater dude until the supernatural weird things. I’m sure that each of the povinces got their own magical err, stuff. I hear that the places such as Sukabumi, Banten, Jawa, Dayak are among the rest.

Other topics, my mum and I talked about were family related. Oya, and a novelist. I finished reading a book by one of my favourite authors NH. Dini, Dari Fontenay ke Magallianes (From Fontenay to Magallianes). I said to her that the book is good, well illustrated and a rather sexy. She wrote her actual sex experiences in her story. Wow. Golly. NH. Dini is not young, you know, maybe she is already on her 70’s and is resides in Semarang, Central Java. The way she tells the story is as if just happened a moment ago. Fresh and you feel like hearing a story from your living room, having afternoon warm cup of tea while watching sunset. Mum said that she is one of Pakde Sukobagyo (my mum’s older brother in law) friends. I would like to pay a visit to NH. Dini’s book reading place. Someday.

Our chatting were final on what is my brother doing now. Mum said he is fine and is still staying in Bandung. I wish him the best. He is the closest sibling I have. I sometime miss doing crazy silly little things with him back home. I remembered when we were younger we tried send a cockcroach off to the sky by a rocket, something like a fire cracker item, but rather than let it had a good launch, the rocket ignited and exploded on the way to the air, burnt that poor little cockroach to pieces. I’m sorry for our brutalistic animal misdemeanor behaviour….. :((


big breakfast, big ideas

2006, November 22


originally uploaded by cenichan.

Ritz chocolate sprinkles, is always been my all time favourite bread spread since I was a child. Here in Malaysia, I couldn’t find as nice as Ritz and for bread spread, they usually have it with Srikaya jam spread. My mum sent me in an airmail package along with few comics, books, movies, noodles and sweet soy sauce.

Last Monday, I had an old time breakfast, 2 buttery spread breads with Ritz sprinkles and a cup of semi hot coffee cream. Then, I had an idea to ‘illustrate’ the tastyness of Ritz. 48 hours later, I came up with a so-called Ritz campaign. I was like, “what the…?”

Because I already created this, I think a bit of concept explanation sounds regimented. Firstly, I started with a photo of my best friend’s first son (at the narrow left corner). It was so cute and it is quite easy yet it is quickly engaged to the aspect of Ritz. Then, the other old photos of me, I wanted to create an atmosphere of youth, free-spirited, happy-go-lucky kind of people. That was why, I didn’t represent the images clearly as it is part of today graphic design style. In this ad campaign piece, my style is: bright annoying colour use (as Kien says it), gradients, funky organic illustration and juxtaposition. The tagline: Ritz, Sweet-teeth United.

Just now, I put Salonpas patches on Bibib’s back. He played soccer the other day when it was raining. He fell badly and he twisted his muscles. So I gave him a bit of nursing. Massage his back with oil and so forth. Then I took his picture showing the Salonpas (I know it may sound silly). Let’s see if I can get an idea for the campaign piece.

Phew. I guess I am in a creative mood mode…


see ya Uzey!

2006, November 22


originally uploaded by cenichan.

Uzma was flying back home last Tuesday November 21. She was oof from home around 7pm while the flight was at 9pm. I told her to rush a bit because at the departure immigration would be crowded in long queues.

Bye bye Uzma. Get me Freshlook colour contact lenses, ‘kay? Have a nice holiday. :))